Your permanent record

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First, before I even begin this blog, I need to apologize.   Last week, I published Part 1 of a 2 part series on segregation and integration.  They were supposed to appear over two consecutive days  (Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.)  However, because of world events, I interrupted my queue.  And, promised that Part 2 would appear today.  It isn’t.  It will appear tomorrow- as Part 3.  Today, this  new interruption actually (unfortunately) becomes the new Part 2.

If you are of my vintage (old and crotchety), you will recognize the title as something with which our parents always threatened us.

Permanent Record

“Don’t even consider doing that!  It will ruin your permanent record.”

“You can’t do that!  You’ll never make a great college”

“If you do that, your permanent record will be ruined and you’ll be lucky to be a garbage man.”

(Just so you know- I was a garbage man one summer. It was a great gig.  You got up at 4:30, started work, and finished by 12.  Leaving the rest of the day to swim at the beach.)

Now, for most people, that ‘permanent record’ thing only applied to stuff they did in school.  Unless they got arrested.  Or, were photographed at (or leading) an anti-war protest, a civil rights demonstration, forcing a school to divest its kill-thy-neighbor research facility, blockading the Soviet Embassy to force the country to release Jews from their appalling conditions, etc.  (In my case, many of those photographs were government possessions.  Yes,  that’s my permanent record.)

When ARPAnet was being converted to the World Wide Web (now you know where the ‘www’ comes from in all those internet addresses) and AOL and Compuserve (remember that one?) were around, my kids were not allowed to use names like foxyone or smartcat.  Nope.

They were forced to use monikers like mine-  Because I wanted them to know that whatever they did, it was never going to be anonymous.  The world will take note of things that are said and written.

I continually warn(ed) them about what they would post on Facebook, on Instagram, and/or on the internet.  Because employers (and voters, if one plans to seek higher office) continually scour the records to determine with whom they are talking, hiring, or negotiating.   (I stand by what I post.  Period.)

My kids scoffed.  Except.   They now know it’s true.

Bing says this image is free to include. Thanks, Rob Cottingham


Which brings up the newest ‘scandal’.   Governor Ralph Northam.

Ralph Northam Medical School Yearbook page
Ralph Northam Medical School Yearbook page

It has been revealed that back when he was in medical school, he entertained (more about this choice of verbiage) costumes in Black face and KKK imagery.

Now, regardless of what Northam or anyone else may say, let us not forget that Northam is from Virginia.  Who lived in Eastern Shore of the Commonwealth in the 1960s and 1970s.  And, as you’ve read on my blog (as mentioned in the first paragraph above), that was when ‘massive resistance’ was all the rage in and around the Commonwealth.

(Note:At least one fellow student, Dr. Tobin Naidorf , stated that while he was attending the Eastern Virginia Medical School, he never saw the outdated Southern attitudes that had manifested while he was an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.  I, personally,  have no knowledge of the situation at EVMC, but certainly agree with Dr. Naidorf about UVa.)

This scandal hit the fan right before my Shabat dinner last weekend.  I brought up my feelings about this (sorry, I generally avoid four, seven, and ten letter choice words on my blog).  One of my friends said we should forgive Northam since it was 35 years ago.  And, he has been living a different life since then.

I agree, somewhat.   The Governor must provide a much more detailed and honest apology for those choice photos he agreed to share back in 1984.  But, his work since then does ameliorate some of these facts.

Do I think he should resign?

Given that no one besides me feels that Congressman Steven King needs to resign, probably not.  (Actually, that would be still too lenient.  I think he should be barred from the House- just like the House did to Adam Clayton Powell from New York.)

Do I think he can effectively act as governor of the Commonwealth?  That remains to be seen.  (I actually doubt it.  Even though the Commonwealth is no hotbed of liberalism or even centrism.)

But, let’s consider this, as well.

The son of the Rav Moses Yoelson (who served as Chazan [cantor] of my shul, The National Synagogue, back in the 1920’s and 1930’s) became one of the most famous jazz singers.  Performing in Black face.

Do we want to remove Al Jolson from our vocabulary and our memories?

We now consider that act- performing or dressing in Black face to be reprehensible.  But, back in the 1920’s and 1930’s, it wasn’t that same issue.

Projecting our current sensibilities on folks who were surrounded by different rules is not the way to go.  Unless, of course, the issue would be slavery, murder, mayhem, and other such transgressions.

Just saying.

But, what do you think?

Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

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4 thoughts on “Your permanent record”

  1. I think Northam should resign. I would also be in agreement with King being banned from the House. The blackface portion of the picture (of course, I speak as a white woman) does not bother me as much – yes, there was a time when such performances were perfectly acceptable. However, in my mind, terrorism is never acceptable. What the KKK stood for and what their members did was never, ever acceptable. That I can not forgive, and I am further bothered by Northam’s behavior – the “yes, it was me, no it wasn’t”. Well, it was his page, whether or not he personally dressed as the Klansman. I am just as disappointed (perhaps also being a little naive) that this kind of posting would have been allowed in a medical school yearbook, anywhere in the United States, by the 1980’s.

    1. I would love to see some polls of the Black population of Virginia. To discern if they feel Northam should resign. My feeling is mixed- he should resign, because it was reprehensible- but over the past 20 years or so- if he was of that racist ilk- he seems to have changed. That’s what makes this case harder for me (who loves) to view things in black and white. (NO pun intended.)
      Regarding Northam’s- it was/it wasn’t… I can see that confusion. He knew he transgressed, he donned the wrong costume. But, upon reflection, he realized that the occurrence was when he imitated Michael Jackson. (Now, there’s another situation- do we emulate Michael Jackson, the great musician and dancer- or eschew all mention because he had improper relations with kids.)
      But, Northam’s apology was abysmal.
      As you can see, I am leaning towards demanding Northam’s resignation, but am hoping somewhere that his transformation to a civil human being was real.

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