Before tonight’s ciock strikes 12…

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It’s New Year’s Eve. I know, you are rushing around, trying to get everything done so you can go out and party tonight. But, here’s something else you shouldn’t forget. Make your plan for 2015. You deserve it. No… you need it!

You need to answer a few questions…

!. What can I do to let me be in total (ok, we are never in total) control of my life and workplace?
So many folks are thought to adore chaos – but many others who surround those who do, find it abhorrent. (The only Chaos we really should “enjoy” was the group that was the nemesis of Agent Maxwell Smart [Get Smart]). This means we need a plan- and key performance indicators to discern what we need to do- and measure our performance against them.
One way to get a handle on this is to track your work hours, how you spend your time for the next six weeks- say 45 days. Then, analyze which key activity (no more than 2) each week that devoured your time that you did not enjoy. Now, figure out how these activites can be automated.
Voila. This should free up 10 to 15 hours a week out of your schedule, to let you do what you like best. Which should also include spending time with your family.

2. What makes me feel so isolated from others?
Admittedly, this is probably more true for business leaders and entrepreneurs. And, when we feeel isolated, then our enthusiasm reserves get depleted. And, this means we can’t perform to the best of our abilities.
My process for handling this is something I write about all the time. I spend an hour or so each day with friends at St. Elmo’s Coffee Shop. I also have (plenty of) guests every Friday night for my Shabat dinners.
You need to find what works for you. Maybe find projects in which you can also involve your business partners or key staff. This will also hlep them feel more “involved” in your company. Or, maybe you should join a professional peer group.

3. . What is it costing me to be right all the time? Or… How can I stop holding onto my fantastic idea just a little too long?
This is a big one for me- and if you are running a company, probably you too. We need to keep our bravados in check.
Tally those ideas and concepts that we are still carrying around with us. (If you can’t enumerate them, ask your friends, your employees, or a consultant). Then, dump or sell off those projects before the end of the first quarter of 2015.

4. Does it make sense to outsource some of my work? What about using virtual assistants?
Things that come to mind are computer systems, HR, back office issues. But, maybe your marketing work can be outsoruced? And, at home, what about bringing in a cleaning service so you can get a few hours more a week to enjoy your family?

Now, once you’ve made this list of things- go out and celebrate. Hit the ground running tomorrow!

Make 2015 YOUR year.

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